Service Works blog
Say no to busy-ness! How to get traction & avoid distraction
Do you wish you could say no more often and take control of your workday? Find valuable tips and tricks to be more productive and do the work you value most in this blog looking at how to get traction and avoid distraction.
A desk is a dangerous place from which to view Welsh sport
In March 2021, Flick Devey from Sport Wales began a journey into the world of service design. Little did she know what was to come.
Service design confidence: beyond learning tools & methods
Building service design skills and capability requires more than learning a few tools and methods in a workshop. It takes a shift in mindset. We reflect on how we achieve this on Service Design in Practice and some of the key takeaways participants leave with.
Wales takes big steps towards becoming a digital nation
This year has marked some big changes around digital in government organisations in Wales, which may have slipped under your radar. Here’s a quick overview of the exciting we’re moving towards a more digital Wales.
Why we’re switching to self service hosting our blog
When I set up the new Service Works website and brand in March, I saw lots of other similar organisations using the blogging platform, Medium. I just went with the crowd. I’ve since learned that self hosting might have offered a better choice. Here’s why…