Game changers: Sport Wales defines digital & service design

Tara Rhoseyn and Owen Burgess from Sport Wales

Running track showing numbers 1 - 11 on the track.

Athletics track with numbered lanes.

Tara Rhoseyn and Owen Burgess from Sport Wales share how they developed digital and service design principles and are beginning to embed them in their organisation. 

Sport Wales realised they needed these principles because:

  • they’d created a new digital team and new roles

  • there was a growing recognition that services were disjointed 

  • with a lack of user insight driving decision-making. 

  • Digital products and services had little ownership and long-term viability.

  • And the adoption of new ways of working was patchy across the organisation.

Tara explains how they took inspiration from existing digital service standards from Welsh Government’s Centre for Digital Public Services, UK Government and the United Nations and other organisations e.g., the University of Bath

They took stock of what Sport Wales was already doing well, and where further improvements were needed which helped them tailor the principles to address those areas that are specific to them.

Digital and service design principles can provide guidelines for teams to work within and ensure a consistent approach to the development and running of services. If embedded well within the organisation, they can help steer decision-making aligned with the agreed principles.

Sport Wales Digital and Service Design Principles are short and snappy and avoid jargon but include explanations and links to further reading:

1. Design services based on user needs
2. Bring people together for the long-term
3. Make decisions based on insight
4. Deliver together
5. Create inclusive and accessible services
6. Create integrated services
7. Share work with others
8. Test and change
9. Be agile and adapt
10. Learn and innovate

Learn more from Sport Wales about how they approached this work and how they’ve started to embed these principles within their organisations’ ways of working - watch this video. 👇

(Sport Wales: Developing and embedding digital and service design principles with Tara Rhoseyn and Owen Burgess.)

This session was recorded at our Service Design in Practice monthly alumni community meet-up. 

Past participants and sponsors meet to share experiences, collaborate to solve challenges, continue learning, network and practice tools and methods in a safe-to-fail environment.

Further resources referred to in the video:


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